We pick up today right where we left off. At this point, the strip is still being both written and drawn by Lee Falk. In tomorrow's post, we will see the first of the strips drawn by Ray Moore.
Before there was Superman or Batman or Spider-Man, there was The Phantom. Playwright and cartoonist Lee Falk introduced The Phantom to the world in 1936.
Since then, The Phantom has run continuously in newspapers around the world, gaining a following in Europe, Asia, South America, Australia and New Zealand. He has spawned films adaptations, paperback novels, an animated television show and several comic book series.
I have been drawn to the Phantom by his unique backstory-one of the best in sequential media. This blog will let me share with others the exciting world of "The Ghost Who Walks, Who Cannot Die...The Phantom!!"
The Phantom and all related characters, indicia, etc. are copyright 2010 King Features Syndicate.
All scans and art are taken from my own comics except where otherwise noted and are utilized under the legal understanding of fair use.
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